Tanzania: Govt. to Add 6000MW from Renewable Energy

  • Tanzanian govt. plans renewable energy generation.
  • The country targets projects in solar, wind and hydropower.

Tanzania’s president Samia Suluhu Hassan has announced that the country will add some 6000MW of electricity through renewable sources, including hydropower, solar, and wind projects, by 2025. Ms Samia disclosed this at a conference in the United States themed, “A New Day for US-Tanzania Relations,” hosted by President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Wilson Centre, Ambassador Mark Green.

President Samia mentioned some of the projects as Julius Nyerere Hydropower Project, which is expected to produce 2,100MW. The envisaged Ruhudji and Rumakali hydropower projects are expected to produce 358MW and 222MW, respectively.

During the discussion, the Head of State told the audience that Tanzania also targets to produce between 600MW and 700MW of electricity from solar.

“Tanzania currently produces electricity from natural gas and also plans to tap energy from wind. There are also studies being undertaken to generate electricity from geothermal sources,” she stated.


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