Tanzania Shuts Down Hydroelectric Stations Over Excess Power Generation

  • Tanzania’s Prime Minister said that the Tanzanian government has shut down five hydroelectric stations across the country.
  • The 2,115-megawatt Julius Nyerere hydropower dam, one of the largest in Africa, is reported to be nearly full due to heavy rains.

Tanzania Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa today said that the Tanzanian government has shut down five hydroelectric stations across the country due to excess electricity production in the national grid.

Also, the move comes as the recently completed Mwalimu Nyerere Hydroelectric Station, the country’s largest power plant, has generated enough electricity to meet the demands of major cities like the commercial capital Dar es Salaam.

A representative from the state-run power company Tanesco stated, “We have turned off all these stations because the demand is low and the electricity production is too much. We have no allocation now.”

According to the BBC, the 2,115-megawatt Julius Nyerere hydropower dam, one of the largest in Africa, is reported to be nearly full due to heavy rains that have persisted since early this year. These rains are part of an extreme weather pattern that has devastated other East African nations like Kenya, claiming at least 58 lives in Tanzania alone.

Furthermore, in a country that has long grappled with chronic power shortages, the decision to shut down hydroelectric facilities due to surplus production marks a significant milestone.

3 thoughts on “Tanzania Shuts Down Hydroelectric Stations Over Excess Power Generation

  1. A good for thought for our Country Nigeria! The Tanzanian Success story on its breakthrough on power generation presents a woeful indictment on our political leaders who either for lack vision or patriotism or even both have exposed our Country to ridicule in the comity of Nations. For lack of sustainable power supply, the Nation has basically remained in darkness, talk less of a stunted economic growth. No wonder our indices of Human Development Index would continue to be very low! Those in Government elected or Appointed to serve this Nation ought to know that they are toiling with the destiny of over 200 million People and that no amount of poverty alleviation initiative or efforts would succeed in tuning up our economy into a productive one, unless Nigeria could produce sufficient electricity of at least 50,000 megawatts to power our local industries! Enough of too much noise and false policy initiatives! We want to positive action on the ground!

  2. A food for thought for our Country Nigeria! The Tanzanian Success story on its breakthrough on power generation presents a woeful indictment on our political leaders who either for lack vision or patriotism or even both have exposed our Country to ridicule in the comity of Nations. For lack of sustainable power supply, the Nation has basically remained in darkness, talk less of a stunted economic growth. No wonder our indices of Human Development Index would continue to be very low! Those in Government elected or Appointed to serve this Nation ought to know that they are toiling with the destiny of over 200 million People and that no amount of poverty alleviation initiative or efforts would succeed in tuning up our economy into a productive one, unless Nigeria could produce sufficient electricity of at least 50,000 megawatts to power our local industries! Enough of too much noise and false policy initiatives! We want to positive action on the ground!

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