TBEA Launches Construction of Solar Power Plant in Gambia

  • The Gambian government is holding a ceremony to lay the foundation stone for a 23 MWp solar photovoltaic power plant.
  • The European Union (EU) and the World Bank funded the country’s largest solar park.

The nation’s president, Adama Barrow, was present in Jambur for the groundbreaking of a 23 MW sun power plant, the nation’s largest solar park. This plant will be used to strengthen the grid of the government-owned Gambia National Water and Electric Company (NAWEC).

The Gambia Electricity Restoration and Modernization Project is responsible for the construction of the Jambur solar facility (GERMP). In order to boost access to energy “for socio-economic development” in The Gambia, this World Bank-sponsored effort was started. Its goals include increasing electricity generation capacity and transmission system efficiency. According to the World Bank’s 2020 estimates, this country in West Africa has a population of more than 2.5 million people and a rate of electricity access of more than 62%.

The European Investment Bank, in addition to the World Bank, is funding the building of the Jambur solar power facility (EIB). The plant, which has been given to the Chinese firm TBEA, should also allow the Gambia to diversify its electrical mix, according to NAWEC.

The 225-hectare site in Soma, a town in central Gambia, close to the Senegal border, has been identified by the Gambian authorities since 2019. The photovoltaic park will be built there in two phases. Due to its proximity to the Gambia River Basin Development Organization’s 225/30 kV substation, this location is considered crucial (OMVG). Part of the output of this regional solar power plant will be fed into the Gambia’s electricity grid through the West African Power Pool (WAPP).

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