TCN Blames Load Shedding on Poor Power Generation

  • TCN notifies electricity customers of ongoing load shedding
  • The load shedding is due to low power generation by GenCos
  • TCN says it is unable to wheel sufficient power to distribution companies

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has issued a press release notifying electricity customers of the ongoing nationwide load shedding. According to the release, the load shedding is due to the insufficient generation capacity by Generation Companies (GenCos). In the statement, TCN emphasised that it can only transmit power to distribution companies based on the approved percentage (formula approved by NERC) of the total generation available per hour or on a day-ahead nomination.

“Presently, the cumulative generation nationwide is low, and generation companies have attributed this to several factors including poor gas supply, fault in generating units of generating companies, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, all of which have caused most power generating companies to limit their generation, and sometimes not generate at all,” the statement read.

“From the 1st to 4th of March, 2022, there was generation shortfall due to water management in Shiroro and Jebba hydro with the loss of a 7MW and 125MW respectively. Within the same period, there was a fault and technical problem in Egbin and Ceregu, causing a shortfall of 514MW and 220MW, respectively. Also, a reported fault at Alaoji NIPP reduced generation from the substation by 262MW.”

TCN further noted that except cumulative power generation increases considerably to enable electricity transmission to distribution companies nationwide, TCN will be left with no choice but to continue to load shed.

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