TCN Restores Jos-Gombe Transmission Line

  • The restored Jos-Gombe transmission line serves transmission substations in the northeast, including Kano and Jos DisCos.
  • On Monday, June 3, 2024, the labour union-organised strike led to the national grid shutdown and a total blackout.

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) has announced on its X handle that it has restored the Jos-Gombe 330kV single circuit transmission line. In a statement signed by the general manager of public affairs, Ndidi Mbah, TCN disclosed that it restored the bulk supply through the line on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 9:37 pm.

According to the statement, the restored line now wheels standard load allocation from the National Control Centre to transmission substations in the northeast. This includes distribution load centres for Kano and Jos electricity distribution companies (DisCos) to offtake and distribute to customers.

Recall that on Monday, June 3, 2024, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) organised a strike demanding an increase in minimum wage and a downward review of the electricity tariff. This strike by the labour union led to the national grid shutdown and a total blackout.

“We are thankful for every assistance rendered by the governors in the North East and patience displayed by all the affected electricity consumers. Our gratitude also goes to the security operatives who always escorted our contractor and staff to the sites of the incidents, as well as the contractor and TCN engineers who quickly mobilised to the site at very short notice,” the statement added.

Furthermore, TCN urged host communities to report any act of suspicion or vandalism to security operatives to maintain power transmission towers and lines nationwide.

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