The Concept of Green Energy

As we long for a sustainable environment and become attentive to the impacts of fossil fuels on the environment and the growing demand for energy, green energy seems to be the answer to our energy demand and quest for an eco-friendly environment.

Green energy is the energy that is generated from natural resources like sunlight, water, wind, and geothermal, etc. It is derived from renewable energy technologies and is termed ‘green’ because these energy resources don’t harm the environment or emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

It is vital to understand that not all sources employed by the renewable industry are green. As an example, the combustion of organic materials from sustainable forests is also renewable but it’s not necessarily green as a result of the CO2 produced by the burning process. Green energy sources are naturally renewed, as against fuel sources like gas or coal, which may take innumerable years to develop. Green sources seldom avoid mining or drilling activities that may be damaging to the eco-systems.

Some common types of green energy are as follows:

• Solar Power: This is a renewable energy source that’s produced using photovoltaic cells that trap sunlight and converts it into electricity.

• Wind Power: Wind energy harnesses the flow of air to push turbines, thus converting mechanical energy to electricity (Learn more).

• Hydro Power: This sort of energy uses the flow of water in rivers, streams, and dams to generate energy.

• Biomass: Biomass power uses wood waste, sawdust, and agricultural waste to make energy. Although this process would require the burning of those materials, the greenhouse emission emissions are far not up to those from petroleum-based fuels.

Green energy is extremely important in the sense that it not only reduces carbon emissions and stop environmental harm, but it’s also an avenue for job creation through investments within the resources earlier mentioned. Green energy will help alleviate the planet from the damage fossil fuels have generated.

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