


Togo’s electricity supply is majorly imported from Ghana and Nigeria. The country’s available electricity energy is 1,162GWh of which 744GWh are imported. The remaining energy access is generated domestically from fossil fuels and hydropower. The government of Togo is interested in increasing its private sector investment in the power sector and attracting off-grid companies to increase access to electricity in rural areas.


The majority of Togo’s generation capacity stems from thermal power. The generating sector includes the Benin Electric Community (CEB) with 70MW installed capacity, Togo Electric Power Company (CEET) with an installed capacity of 57.8MW, and operational capacity of 28MW, Nangbeto hydro with 65MW, and the private contour global with 110MW diesel plant.


The transmission network of Togo’s power sector is coordinated by the Electricity Community of Benin, a state-owned company whose capital is held by the governments of Benin and Togo. This arrangement was made regarding CEB’s monopoly on electricity transmission. CEB’s transmission network consists of 330kV; 161kV; 63kV; and 20kV spread across the landscape of Togo and Benin. There are 18 sub-stations associated with these transmission lines, among which 3 are being reinforced and 3 others are in the project pipeline. The capacity of installed sub-station in the country is 367.17MVA.


The Togo Electricity Company (CEET) is responsible for electricity distribution in the state. Togo operates with aging installations linked to a 4,000km low and medium voltage network. Aging electricity transmission and distribution installations and the supply system in place results in losses estimated at 37 per cent of electricity supply. The electricity access rate is 27.62 per cent which is below the West African average of 40 per cent.

Renewable Energy

Togo launched a renewable energy development funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. To foster electrification in the country, the Government implemented the Cizo Project in October 2018, where isolated rural areas were equipped with solar energy kits.

Electricity Tariff

The electricity tariff in Togo is 0.215 USD per kWh for households and 0.198 USD per kWh for businesses.

Industry Prospects

The Government of Togo aims to extend electricity penetration from the current 46 per cent to 100 per cent by 2030. The African Development Bank aims to provide electricity to 300,000 homes by 2022 and the French electricity giant took a 50 per cent stake in solar kit manufacturer BBOX to boast the program and aims to reach 500,000 homes by 2030.