Togo: Prices of Diesel and Jet Fuel Drop

  • The diesel price is down to CFA775 from CFA850 FCFA per litre. As for jet fuel used by aeroplanes.
  • Jet fuel’s price drop is good news for the Togolese aviation sector

In Togo, the price of diesel and Jet A1 has fallen slightly. The diesel price is down to CFA775 from CFA850 FCFA per litre. As for jet fuel used by aeroplanes, its price has dropped from CFA654.41/litre to CFA615.41.

The change was disclosed in an interministerial order dated January 28, 2023. The Ministers of Trade, Energy, and Transport issued the latter, respectively, Kodjo Adedze and Atcha-Dedji Affoh. Prices of unleaded super fuel, kerosene, and two-stroke fuel did not change, however–CFA700, CFA650, and CFA788, respectively, per litre.

Although jet fuel’s price drop is good news for the Togolese aviation sector, it should be emphasized that the government still subsidizes petroleum products to 230 CFA francs per litre on unleaded Super and 239 francs per litre of diesel and 157 CFA francs per litre on kerosene.

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