Trailstone and Glennmont Sign PPA for 84 MW Wind Portfolio in Italy

  • Trailstone Group has signed a PPA with Glennmont Partners for 84 MW of wind capacity in Italy.
  • This brings the total wind capacity being managed by Trailstone in Italy in 2023 to over 500 MW.

Global energy and technology company Trailstone Group has signed a route to market Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Glennmont Partners from Nuveen, one of the world’s largest renewable energy investment managers, for 84 MW of wind capacity in Italy.

The deal is the latest in a longstanding relationship between Trailstone and Glennmont that began in 2016. It brings the total wind capacity being managed by Trailstone in Italy in 2023 to over 500 MW and the total number of renewable assets being managed by Trailstone across Europe to over 4.3 GWs.

Through this transaction, Trailstone will utilise its market access, expertise, and proprietary renewables optimisation platform to reduce balancing risk and maximise trading revenues for Glennmont’s wind generation assets in Italy. Route-to-market PPAs offered by Trailstone allow power generation owners, such as Glennmont, to access the forward power markets, generate revenues from the balancing mechanism and ancillary services markets, access dispatch service and meet minimum revenue guarantees.

Global Head of Power and Renewables at Trailstone, Ante Pogacic, said, “Trailstone is proud to continue our partnership with Glennmont to provide tech-enabled risk management and asset optimisation solutions for their wind assets in Italy. Deals such as this are necessary to accelerate the clean energy transition by reducing the growing market risks faced by owners of wind and solar assets.”

At the grid level, improving the effectiveness and efficiency with which renewables are managed enables more assets to connect to the grid, lowering reserve requirements and costs, all of which provide a better environment for the end consumer.

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