Tunisia Acquires New Combined Cycle Power Plant

  • Rades C is now the highest efficiency plant in the country.

The Rade C combined cycle power plant, developed by a Mitsubishi Power-led consortium with Sumitomo Corporation and owned by the Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz (STEG), is now located 10km east of the Tunisian capital and will provide around 10% of the country’s current installed capacity.

During the Consortium members meeting at the end of August, STEG CEO Hichem Anene said electricity is a cornerstone of the country’s economic development. “The Rades C power plant will be vital in accelerating Tunisia’s growth for decades.

Hideshi Kawamoto, CEO of Mitsubishi Power, said they were pleased to mark the historic occasion of the plant’s opening for business by “marketing the completion of one of the world’s most cutting-edge, effective, and highly dependable gas-fired power plants and contributing to the further advancement of Tunisia.”

In addition to supplying the heat recovery steam generator, steam turbine, and high-efficiency gas turbine, Mitsubishi Power will also send a group of technical advisors and supervisors to the site to help with the building and commissioning of the plant. The remaining plant equipment has been provided by Sumitomo Corporation, which is also handling the construction and installation work.

Following a long-term service agreement, Mitsubishi Power is also responsible for the power plant’s upkeep. Under the umbrella of Japan’s Partnership for Quality Infrastructure initiative, the project was funded by the Japanese Official Development Assistant program run by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

In addition to providing about 2,000 new employment during project development and construction, the Rades C power plant employed local content, materials, resources, and equipment and created 70 permanent jobs.

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