Two Firms Sign MoU to Supply Green Hydrogen to Europe

  • An Australian and German energy firm signed an agreement for green hydrogen supply to Europe.
  • Both companies will deliver about 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year.

Australia’s Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) and German energy company E.on have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on providing up to 5 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year to Europe by 2030.

In its plans, the green hydrogen will be powered by Australia’s vast renewable resources and other global projects of the Fortescue Metals Group Ltd and will be distributed by E.on. The deal intends to diversify the energy system in Germany and the Netherlands at a time when Europe seeks to reduce its dependence on Russian fossil fuels. According to the announcement, 5 million tonnes per year of renewable hydrogen is equivalent to about one-third of the calorific energy Germany imports from Russia.

The MoU was signed in Berlin by FFI chairman Andrew Forrest and E.on chief operating officer Patrick Lammers, in the presence of Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and Australia’s Ambassador to Germany Philip Green.


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