UGANDA: Industrial Consumers to Buy Power Directly from Electricity Generators

  • Industrial consumers to buy electricity directly from electricity generators
  • Energy Ministry seeks amendment of the Electricity Act
  • Uganda to achieve 60% electricity access by 2027

Uganda’s industrial electricity consumers would begin to buying electricity directly from the electricity generation companies or the transmission company. The Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, Ruth Nankabirwa, stated this during the Electricity Regulatory Authority House launch in Kampala. Nankabirwas also stated that the Ministry under her leadership is championing the amendment of the Electricity Act 1999 to improve the performance of stakeholders in the electricity sector.

“The government is undertaking a number of structural reforms in the sector aimed at improving efficiencies and reducing costs,” Nankabirwa said.

For a long time, manufacturers in Uganda have complained about the rising cost of electricity, which has affected the sector, making the Ugandan manufacturing industry less competitive in the East African region. In response to several complaints from manufacturers, President Museveni promised that stakeholders in the sector would soon be able to buy power directly from the GenCos and the transmission company, bypassing the state-owned distribution company, UMEME.

Nankabirwa further reiterated the commitment of the Museveni administration to improving electricity access up to 60% by 2027 through the implementation of several projects under the Electricity Connections Policy (2018-2027).


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