Uganda: Karuma Hydropower Project to be Refurbished

The Ministry of Energy has directed the Karuma Hydropower Project contractor to deploy more engineers on-site and correct all the wiring and electromechanical defects on the powerhouse.

Sino Hydro Corporation Ltd, a Chinese company, is constructing the power plant.

Addressing journalists during the project site tour of the Karuma Hydropower plant yesterday, Ms Ruth Nankabirwa, the Energy minister, said most of the cabling in the six power generating units need to be redone because the ones which were installed do not meet the contract specifications, are substandard, and they were installed without approval from the government.

“I have come here to see the defects. The work is huge. Initially, the contractor bundled all the cables together. Staff houses were supposed to be ready before construction of the dam started, but they are not yet complete,” she said.

Mr Albert Musoke Byaruhanga, the project manager, said the defects requiring correction include mechanical installations, electrical cables, and general cabling. Some cables do not meet contract specifications and international standards.

Mr Byaruhanga said if the plant was commissioned with the defects, it could catch fire, there would be many power outages and it would not be safe for the people working there.

He said in the last nine months, they rectified 40 per cent of the defects, and in the next nine months, they should be able to finish the rest.

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