Ukraine Strategise on Power Trading with Neighboring Systems

  • Technical pre-conditions for electricity trade approved

According to the European Network of Transmission System Operators of Electricity (ENTO-E), confirmation has been given by Continental Europe Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on the technical pre-conditions for the gradual opening of electricity trade with Ukraine.

ENTSO-E revealed in a statement that Ukrenego, a Ukrainian TSO, is in a joint effort with its peers in Continental Europe to fully implement these technical requirements to assure the security and stability of the extended power system.

In a previous report, an emergency synchronisation of power grids was done between Ukraine and Moldova with Continental European Network. This was done in response to the Invasion by Russia of Ukraine.

Ukrenego has then issued a request to other TSOs across Europe at the end of April in a bid to strengthen electricity trade with their neighbouring power systems. The request got a positive response on June 7.


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