Ukraine’s Cabinet Approves National Renewable Energy Action Plan

  • Ukraine’s Cabinet has approved a National Renewable Energy Action Plan targeting a 27% share of renewables in energy consumption by 2030.
  • A 110-megawatt support quota for alternative energy sources in 2024 has been set, with pilot auctions planned for later this year.

The Ukraine Cabinet of Ministers has officially approved a comprehensive National Renewable Energy Action Plan, outlining the country’s renewable energy strategy through 2030. This decision, announced by the Ministry of Energy and reported by Ukrainian News, marks a significant step in Ukraine’s commitment to advancing sustainable energy practices.

The National Renewable Energy Action Plan is designed to complement the existing National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP). It establishes specific development trajectories for various sectors within renewable energy, setting clear goals and measures for their implementation. According to the plan, Ukraine aims to achieve a 27% share of renewable energy sources (RES) in its gross final energy consumption by 2030. This target includes 29% for heating and cooling systems and 17% for the transport sector.

In addition to the overarching plan, the Cabinet of Ministers has approved a supplementary government decision to establish an annual support quota for entities generating electricity from alternative energy sources in 2024. The support quota, set at 110 megawatts (MW), is allocated as follows: 11 MW for solar power plants (SPP), 88 MW for wind power plants (WPP), and 11 MW for other alternative energy sources. The decision also includes a schedule for pilot auctions to distribute these support quotas, which is planned for October and November this year.

Pilot auctions are a globally recognised mechanism for promoting the growth of renewable energy through competitive processes. These auctions will play a crucial role in stimulating the development of renewable energy projects by providing financial incentives based on competitive bids. The first power generation facilities resulting from these pilot auctions are expected to commence electricity production by 2025.

The new plan and support measures build on recent initiatives, including launching preferential lending programs for Ukrainian citizens to purchase solar panels and wind turbines, which began on July 20. These programs aim to increase individual participation in renewable energy production and support the country’s transition to a greener energy future.

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