US Airlines Commit to a Greener Future with Sustainable Fuel

  • US airlines pledge to reduce emissions and embrace sustainable practices.
  • Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is being pursued for further progress. It promises a reduction in carbon emissions of up to 80 per cent.

US airlines vow to go greener by slashing emissions and embracing sustainable practices. They transport millions daily while contributing just 2% to domestic greenhouse gases. Airlines aim to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. They’ve already reduced emissions and noise and boosted fuel efficiency.

Now, they are eyeing sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for further progress. SAF, derived from renewable sources, can cut carbon emissions by up to 80 percent. However, SAF faces hurdles due to its high cost—it’s 3 to 5 times pricier than traditional jet fuels. 

Governments and industry must incentivise investment to bring costs down. Despite recent initiatives like the SAF tax credit, challenges remain. Ensuring affordable and scalable SAF is critical to the aviation sector’s sustainability goals.

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