US Solar Installation Reached An All-Time High in 2023

  • Utility-scale solar projects in the United States added a record 15 gigawatts (GW) capacity.
  • Kayrros said the acceleration was partly due to a rebound effect from the previous year.

Data from environmental research group Kayrros has reviewed that Utility-scale solar projects in the United States added a record 15 gigawatts (GW) of capacity in 2023, up 60 per cent from the year prior and marking an all-time high.

Kayrros said the acceleration was partly due to a rebound effect from the previous year when supply-chain bottlenecks, labour force constraints and import tariffs slowed development. Solar development outside Texas, the largest solar market, also contributed to the rise.

While the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) had the most capacity additions in 2023, other regions saw faster capacity growth. The Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), which operates across the Midwest, grew 224 per cent year-on-year, and PJM Interconnection on the East Coast rose more than 150 per cent.

Also, Antoine Rostand, CEO and co-founder of Kayrros, said, “There is much growth in ERCOT, partly because it is quite insulated from other markets. But there is cause for decarbonisation everywhere. It is unsurprising that [solar development] is spreading in other markets.”

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) projects that the acceleration will continue throughout 2024, with its latest forecast calling for more than 125 GW of solar panel installations this year.

Rostand said the EIA forecasts are significantly higher than Kayrros’ because they often reflect corporate announcements without considering project delays or bottlenecks.

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