Use Agriculture Residue as an Alternative for Charcoal Production-Aust

  • Alterna­tive sources for charcoal production, like agricultural residues, must be supported to be competitive against unsustainable charcoal.
  • Wood bio­mass energy, including charcoal and firewood, was Ghana’s primary energy source.

Dr Cisco Aust, the Project Manager of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Inter­nationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, during a policy dialogue on the Sustainable Wood Energy Value Chain Proj­ect in Accra on Tuesday, said that alterna­tive sources for charcoal production, like agricultural residues, must be supported to be competitive against unsustainable charcoal. He indicated that besides the potential for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), there was a high poten­tial for alternative fuel sources.

The “Forest Landscape Res­toration through a Sustainable Wood Energy Value Chain” project sought to conserve natu­ral forests and restore degraded landscapes through planting and regeneration with communities while discouraging them from cutting indigenous trees unsus­tainably for charcoal production. The project, which began in 2019 and would end in May this year, was financed under the International Climate Initiative (IKI) by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and implemented in 12 communities with restoration measures on 1000 hectares.

Dorcas Owusuaa Agyei, Proj­ect Officer, IUCN Ghana Project Office, reiterated that wood bio­mass energy, including charcoal and firewood, was the primary source of energy in the country as mainly charcoal produc­tion was widespread and consti­tuted a major source of income for most rural communities. Dr Aust highlighted that with efficient kilns and stoves, the demand on woody biomass for charcoal could be reduced by up to 70 per cent, adding, “bush fire and land use management concept is key to reduce the pressure, integrate concepts for agroforestry and woodlots on suitable sites.”

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