Vaisala Powers Ethiopia’s Weather Radar Network with Solar Energy

  • Finnish company powers Ethiopia’s new weather radar network with solar energy. 
  • The new solar power system will keep the weather radar continuously operational.

Vaisala, a Finnish company specializing in weather, environmental, and industrial measurements, has powered Ethiopia’s new weather radar network with solar energy. 

The solar-powered weather radar is the first one in a network of 4 C-band weather radars to be installed in Ethiopia.

It further said that the endeavour would modernize Ethiopia’s weather and climate observations by powering a C-band Weather Radar with an on-site solar power system. The solar panels and backup batteries ensure constant uptime of the weather radar, enabling weather authorities to maintain reliable operations and honour Vaisala’s commitment to environmental sustainability.

The weather radar network in Ethiopia is renewed and expanded as part of a project to advance the country’s capability in weather forecasting. To overcome challenges posed by an unreliable electricity grid, the new solar power system will keep the weather radar continuously operational and with its battery backup system for up to four days, even without solar radiation.

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