Vattenfall Wind Turbine Collapses in The Netherlands

  • A Vattenfall-operated wind farm in the Netherlands has collapsed.
  • The installed capacity of the Eemmeerdijk farm is 18MW.

A turbine at a Vattenfall-operated wind farm in the Netherlands has collapsed.

There was no injury or casualty in the incident. There was debris on the field, and the broken windmill did not hinder traffic.

The installed capacity of the Eemmeerdijk farm is 18MW.

A Vattenfall spokesperson reported: “On 4th January, close to eleven in the morning, one of the turbines of wind farm Eemmeerdijk collapsed. Blades, nacelle, and the top part of the mast broke off and landed on grassland, the service road, and the slope of the adjacent dike. No one was hurt, and there was no danger for traffic using the road on the dike”.

Vattenfall started the removal of the debris, which will be stored for further investigation, which an external independent party will do. All other turbines have been stopped and set in a safe position.

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