Weather Conditions Drive Germany’s RE Generation by 25% in First Quarter

  • Power output rises to 74.5 billion kWh.
  • Renewables cover 54% of electricity demand in the first two months of 2022.

Germany’s renewable electricity generation experienced a 25% increase, which has raised the power output to 74.5 billion kWh in the first quarter of 2022. This development came as a result of favourable weather conditions- predominantly wind. 

Onshore wind produced 39.4 billion kWh of electricity. In comparison, offshore turbines delivered an output of 7.5 billion kWh between January to March 2022, based on analysis by the Solar and Hydrogen Research Centre and the German Association of Energy and Water Industries. In February, stormy days brought a new monthly record for wind turbine generation, with 20.6 billion kWh of electricity generated. Solar power generation was at 9.6 billion kWh, hydropower supplied 4.6 billion kWh, and biomass contributed 13.2 billion kWh. 

Based on the increased output in green electricity generation, 54% of the electricity consumed in Germany in January and February was met through renewables-sourced electricity. However, according to the head of BDEW, Kerstin Andreae, there is still an obviously slow expansion of green energy capacity in Germany despite the high share of renewables. She further said that the war in Ukraine has now made it a matter of urgency to expand renewable energy generation capacity.

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