Welsh Government to Build Publicly-owned Wind Farms

  • Many of the wind farms in Wales are foreign-owned.
  • Wale to set up a publicly owned energy company that would benefit the local community.

The Welsh government is looking to build a wind farm owned by local communities to bring profits and renewables to the country.

Currently, many of the wind farms in Wales are foreign-owned and therefore the majority of profits go to other nations.

This has led the government to consider setting up a publicly owned energy company that would benefit the local community either through ownership of wind turbines, savings on bills, or having homes directly fitted to save energy.

Welsh Climate Change Minister Julie James said: “This will be a company that brings more of the profits back to the people of Wales directly, in the form of a state developer but we will have to do that in a joint venture partnership with a range of other providers.”

If these plans are approved, it would see the Welsh government help developers in receiving planning approval and the necessary infrastructure. In return, the Welsh government would use its portion of the profits to benefit Welsh people and fund new projects of the same ilk.

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