West Africa’s Largest Solar PV Plant Set for Construction in Nigeria

  • B&S Power Holding PTE, and Nigerian investor Sunnyfred Global have agreed to design, develop, finance and construct a 200MWh solar PV farm.
  • A Media Chat & Project Roadmap Presentation will take place on Thursday, 25th February 2021
Singapore based renewable energy company, B&S Power Holding PTE, and Nigerian investor Sunnyfred Global have agreed alongside ether stakeholders and technical partners, to design, develop, finance and construct a 200MWh solar PV farm. This would be the largest solar power plant in the West African Region. The plant is set to be sited on 304 Hectares of Land in Ashama community, Aniocha South of Delta State in Nigeria.
According to  Greenplinth Africa, consultants & strategic partners to the project promoters, there will be a Media Chat & Project Roadmap Presentation on Thursday, 25th February 2021 by 11 am (WAT) at Sheraton Hotel Lagos, Nigeria. This event will highlight the importance of the Ashama solar photovoltaic project.

The Media Chat and Project Roadmap Presentation would be chaired by Prof. Abubakar Sani Sambo, the Vice-Chancellor of Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto and Chairman, Ministerial Policy and Technical Advisory Committee on Environment in Nigeria and Former Director-General, Energy Commission of Nigeria.

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