Wind Power into Electricity

Wind power (also referred to as wind energy) is a form of renewable energy that uses the influx of air to generate electricity. The wind turbines are usually about 120 meters high to access stronger winds and their blades stretch about 45 meters.

How does it work?

On a windy day, the wind blows past a wind turbine, its blades capture the wind’s kinetic energy and rotates, transforming into mechanical energy. While rotating, an internal shaft connected to its gearbox increases the speed of rotation by a factor of 100. This spins a generator to produce electrical energy.

Wind power generation has been increasing in the world because of its many advantages:

  • No CO2 emission
  • The wind is a safe energy source that cannot be depleted
  • The generation process involves simple equipment and easy generation

Are you aware that the total cumulative installed electricity generation capacity from wind power around the world has increased rapidly since the beginning of the third millennium, and as of the end of 2019, it amounted to 651GW? Interestingly, China is the world leader in wind energy, with over a third of the world’s capacity i.e. 184,696MW followed by the US with a capacity of 94,295MW.

Coming down to Nigeria, we currently generate electricity using thermal and hydropower sources. However, there is a huge potential for wind power generation to thrive in the country. The generation capacity in the North is very high owing to the topography of the landscape, the south however is generally weak except for the coastal regions and offshore which are windy. Offshore areas from Lagos through Ondo, Delta, Rivers, Bayelsa to Akwa Ibom have been reported to have the potentiality for having strong winds throughout the year. Also, the mountainous terrains of the middle belt and northern fringes demonstrated a huge potential for good wind energy harvest. Nigeria has good wind resources thus if employed will be a breakthrough to support our electricity generation.

Overall, with technological advancement, awareness, and the thrive for clean energy, wind power is expected to increase and be adopted by more countries.

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