Wind Turbines Shut Down to Protect Birds in Netherlands

  • The Netherlands has temporarily shut down its offshore wind turbines to protect migrating birds.
  • The shutdown was a pilot initiative, with plans for full-scale implementation starting in autumn.

The Netherlands has temporarily shut down North Sea offshore wind turbines to ensure safe passage for migrating birds.

Specialised modelling predicted a bird influx, leading to a four-hour halt in turbines at wind farms in Borssele and Egmond aan Zee.

The shutdown was a pilot initiative, with plans for full-scale implementation starting in autumn.

Dutch Energy Minister Rob Jetten praised the collaborative effort and emphasised the uniqueness of this bird protection measure in the world.

Bird preservation is a crucial concern for the expanding North Sea wind power industry, as it impacts seabird habitats and migration patterns.

Mr Jetten added: “We want to keep the impact of wind farms on nature as small as possible, and we do this with this measure, among other things. All parties involved worked well together and set this up relatively quickly, a great initiative that I am very proud of.”

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