ZIMBABWE: Hwange Power Plant Complete


  • Zimnbabwe completes Hwange plant
  • To begin operations before the year ends

Zimbabwe has completed the construction of the 50MW Hwange thermal power plant. The plant is expected to begin operations before the end of the year. The Minister of Energy, Soda Zhemu, has stated that once energised, the project will benefit through employment, electricity access and more business.

The thermal plant is now awaiting the arrival of isolator equipment to begin operations.  The power plant was constructed by Zimbabwe Zhongxin Electrical Energy (ZZEE). ”In terms of the mechanical plant, we are 100 per cent done and what is outstanding is the substation and isolator, which is at 99 per cent,” said ZZEE General Manager Mr Shiwei Wang.

Designs for the next plant to be located just behind the first plant under the second phase have been approved in China, and construction is expected to start early next year.

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