ZIMBABWE: No Power Cuts in January – ZESA Board Chairperson

  • ZESA Board chairperson promises zero power cuts in January
  • To clear $60 million debt

The Chairperson of the Board of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), Sydney Gata, has stated that the country should expect no power cuts as of January 2022. Gata made the statement during a media tour organized by ZESA and the Zimbabwe National Editors’ Forum (ZINEF).

Gata stated that the utility is currently implementing several measures to meet the country’s demand deficit. ZESA can only generate about 1,400MW from five power plants; not enough to meet the demand of 1,700MW.

“Electricity supply is a unique service which is demanded instantly. This asset was designed and commissioned in 1983 using the 1970s technology but has been operating non-stop,” Gata said.

“I am not saying we are ending load shedding, but come January, you will see there will be changes. This will come from improved Hwange Power station operation, maintenance of the plunge pool at Kariba, which we will finish in December,” he added.

Regarding the debt owed to Mozambique’s Cahora Bassa power plant, Gata stated that ZESA would clear $60 million of its $80 million debt.

“We will still owe then about US$20 million, but we will get 180MW, and that should end load shedding. We recently signed an agreement with Zambia, and we will soon be getting 100MW and another 200MW starting in January. Zambia has excess power as they are currently commissioning Kafue lower from where we will be getting power,” he said.

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