ZIMBABWE: Women Leader Hails the Administration of President Mnangagwa

Zanu PF Women’s League National Secretary for Administration, Monica Mutsvangwa, has hailed the efforts of the Zimbabwean President, Emmerson Mnangagwa in the development of the electricity sector. In her address at the Zanu PF Women’s League, Small Enterprises Exhibition, Mustsvangwa noted the efforts of the Mnangagwa administration in pursuing industrialisation through the development of the electricity sector.

Mutsvangwa gave assurances of the ruling party’s commitment to addressing electricity challenges. She added that the country will soon begin the export of electricity. ”The country needs about 1600 Megawatts, and we are confident that we will be able by 2025 to produce more than double that amount. Technically this means we will have enough for ourselves and surplus to export”, she said.

Zimbabwe imports power from Eskom and Hydroelectrica de Cahora Bassa in neighbouring South Africa and Mozambique.

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