[Cote D’Ivoire] ADF Gives $10.5 million to Electrify 739 Localities

  • The African Development Fund (ADF) provides US$ 10.5 million in financing to Ivory Coast.
  • This financing is intended for the electrification of 739 localities.

African Development Bank (AfDB) supports The “Electricity for All Programme” in Ivory Coast” through the African Development Fund (ADF). This pan-African financial institution provides financing of $10.53 million, comprising a loan of $8.26 million and a grant of $2.27 million. This financing is for the electrification of 739 localities, including 313 in the Mountain district in the west and 426 in the Savannah, Woroba and Zanzan districts.

The Ivorian government started the “Electricity for All Programme” to make it easier for people to acquire electricity by eliminating payment requirements and simplifying access modalities. For some wealthy households, this will take place over three years, while it will take ten years for low-income groups, especially those in rural areas. The Ivorian Electricity Company’s (CIE) goal is to install prepayment meters in 200,000 houses annually to provide them with electricity.

With the funding provided by the ADF, the Ivorian government will be able to connect 7,168 professional centres, such as schools, health centres, women’s peasant organizations, and artisans, as well as 71,660 households (15% of which are run by women), to the national electrical system.

According to the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in France, the national electricity network for women depends on implementing the “Electricity for All Programme,” which is only 27% supplied by renewable energy from hydroelectric power plants. With the help of development partners like the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is implementing its Scaling Solar initiative to create an installed solar capacity of 60 MWp, the adoption of other clean energy sources is moving gradually but steadily in Ivory Coast.

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